God loves you. The love of God for you is not dependent on what you did or didn’t do. People may think that if they do good, God would love them and if they did something wrong, then God does not love them, but God loves us inspite of…
Trust In God
Thanksgiving: The Right start
2020 is here! What better way to start the New Year than to give thanks to God, appreciate the Lord for his goodness and mercy that has kept you. Know that it his love and mercy that has brought us into the year. Be grateful, Life is a gift, not…
Welcome to Reigningchi.org
You’re Welcome to Reigningchi.org. Thanks for visiting, its being a while I posted an article and that’s because of the time it took me to get a new website. Am so grateful to God for his abundant provisions. May he continue to strengthen us for ministry. Ministry. I pray that…
Receive his forgiveness
Have you ever heard of the term guilty conscience ? It’s that feeling of condemnation that lets you know you that you have done something wrong. All or most people have a conscience. You don’t need to be told right from wrong because you know it. Some preachers go so…
Guidelines, tips for the dating gentleman/lady
Here are some guidelines and tips for the lady or gentleman that’s dating or ready to date. Whether you are a Christian or not, you will find this article helpful and insightful to you or to someone you can share it with. 1. Develop your relationship with God. Your relationship…
Prayer of Salvation
Let’s say this prayer together: Dear Lord Jesus, I ask you to come into my heart Forgive me of all my sins and Wash me of all my righteousness I am yours now Thank you Lord Now I ask the precious holy spirit to come into my heart Fill me…