Salvation is free

Our salvation is free, but is not cheap. The best word to describe it is that it’s priceless. It cost the blood of Jesus, nothing could compare to that. This is why we’re so thankful to Jesus for what he has done, we couldn’t save ourselves but he did, he…

Greetings to you

Greetings to you dear reader, how are you? I trust that you re doing great. God’s word works, when we believe and  trust him, it’s amazing what he’ll d do in our lives. My apologies for the long period of silence. I have been very busy having to balance family…

Don’t do anything

You heard me right, don’t do anything. When you’re burdened by a challenge and you don’t know what to do, then that’s a battle for the Lord, allow the Lord to fight for you. This is where faith and patience comes in, a lot of times people wonder how christians…

The Gift of Gratitude

The Gift of Gratitude What is gratitude? Why should I be grateful? What does it mean to be grateful? Gratitude is being thankful. To be grateful, you should know that you have been blessed. When you are grateful for the little that you have, God would surely give you more,…

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