Salvation is free

Our salvation is free, but is not cheap. The best word to describe it is that it’s priceless. It cost the blood of Jesus, nothing could compare to that.

This is why we’re so thankful to Jesus for what he has done, we couldn’t save ourselves but he did, he was the only one qualified to do it. The Savior who knew no sin became sin for our sake that we might be made righteous in God’s sight.

Having received salvation, how do we grow in it? Do we rely on the faith of others or do we develop our own faith?
For example, getting married to a powerful person will not make you as anointed as them. You have to work out your own salvation.

We are to work out our salvation everyday. Everyday that you pray even when you don’t feel like, study your bible, fellowship with other believers and walk in love toward God and man, you are working out your salvation.

We also suffer persecution, stigmatisation, it’s all part of the package because this is what helps us grow strong in Christ. This is what distinguishes you from others and shows that you re different.

You learn how to pray for yourself, know God for yourself. Don’t rely only on your prayer leader. There are things you have to learn to do for yourself. No other person will do it for you and no other person would achieve the same results as you even if they did the same things, so take pride in your own uniqueness.

Because salvation is free doesn’t mean it is cheap. We should not live our lives the way we choose, having received salvation, we have to discipline ourselves to reach our peak and to become the highest and the best version of ourselves we can be and to live our lives in such a way that ll please our Master, Jesus Christ.


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