The Gift of Gratitude
What is gratitude? Why should I be grateful? What does it mean to be grateful? Gratitude is being thankful.
To be grateful, you should know that you have been blessed. When you are grateful for the little that you have, God would surely give you more, but if you’re not thankful for the little you have then you re not ready for more.
Matthew 25:29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
If you don’t know what you should be thanking God for, if you think it’s only when you get a car, that you should be grateful, let me tell you why you should be grateful
1. Gratitude as a Worship to God
This is when you worship God, you thank him just for who he is, your attitude is Lord ‘ I am grateful for who you are to me for all you have done, and all you ll do’.
I am grateful that you are my God that you love me and call me your own.
2. Gratitude for the gift of life
Everyday is a gift from God for which we ought to be thankful. When you open your eyes , open your mouth in praise to God for the gift of life.
3. Gratitude for the gift of Health
We don’t realize how important our health is till we feel sick and can’t go to work and do basic things we ll d normally do. Then we realize the importance of our health, that’s why we ought to be grateful for our health, take care of your body, rest when you need to , eat healthy, exercise regularly. Get medical help when we need to.
4. The gift of family and friends
Are we truly grateful for the gift of families and friends? The people that God has placed in our lives, how have we shown this? Are we only grateful when they re nice to us? We must be grateful because there’s a lot that God has done through others for us, Thier support, love, financial commitment got us to were we are. Even our enemies can be used by God, How much more family.
5. The gift of Prosperity
When I talk of Prosperity here I mean those things that pertain to life that God has given us, money, clothes on our body, shelter, food, the basic necessities of life and then the cars, houses etc
Thank God for all these things, if you have them, I encourage you to keep thanking God in advance if you’re are believing God for them, because with an attitude of gratitude, they re sure to come.
These are just some of the reasons why we should be thankful, you can say some more. But refuse to be infected by the disease of ingratitude. There are some people that no matter what they have, they re never grateful to God. No matter what God has blessed you with, they always notice that thing you re still believing God for.
When you don’t have money but your health is good and you re thankful they say why don’t you have money? Then when God blessed you with money, they say why don’t you wear better clothes? Then when you get better clothes, why don’t you have a car, then when you get a car, why don’t you have a bigger car? then when you get a bigger car, why don’t you have a house and on and on.
People that live thier lives to please others will never be happy because they constantly have to catch up to meet people’s expectations of them instead of setting realistic expectations for themselves by which they can measure themselves and be thankful.
When we’re thanking God even when it’s not convenient for us, we are attracting good things to us, and as we change our attitude to that of thanking God rather than complaining, things will gradually change for the better for our good.
Things may not change immediately, but Gratitude makes things better.
Praise God