Humility: The Pathway to Honour


In today’s world, most people want to be honored, they want to be respected, they want people to know that they are important and there is nothing wrong with that, if God could create us in his likeness, then he shows us the level he places us.

People want to be rich, they want to be honored, they want to be known because these are things which are important in today’s world, but the way to honor is humility.

Today, people do not want to humble themselves to submit to authority, they all want to be leaders, they want quick money but quick money does not last.

There is dignity in honest labour.

You may have been laid off from your job, but you must never find yourself idle because God has put too much in you for you to be idle, you must be busy.

Being busy may require you to learn something different from what you know, it may not be convenient for you but it’ ll be honourable.

People who are successful today started from somewhere, they did not become rich over night, they may have done unpopular jobs etc till they became rich and to be successful you must find out what they did and try to do those things that can advance you.

If you don’t yet have a culture of saving, you must learn to put something aside for opportunities and out of such savings you could start a business but don’t be idle.

Honor is not something which you pursue, it is something you earn.

To be successful in life requires discipline. Are you diligent to study hard? work hard ? or do you want to be rich by whatever means. Whether ethical or unethical?

Are you rich, do you see that as an opportunity to be a blessing to others or do you oppress people because of your privileged role in their life ?

Remember that whatever gift you have came from God, Freely you have received, freely give.

Ask your self am I really worthy of all the honor that I desire from others? By my actions, have I earned their respect? and then make corrections were you need to because God placed you in that place for a purpose, you have come to God’s kingdom for such a time as this.

God bless you as respond to his word and his voice.

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