What you give attention to is very important because it says a lot about you.
In a world were there are so many distractions, it becomes difficult to find time for God.
Praying becomes a chore and reading your bible a routine. But it should not be so. If you find yourself feeling like this, then you have allowed the cares of this world to take up so much of your time for God.
If you re very busy, you could take few minutes of time you ll’d use for other activities to pray, you could fast and pray.
Bible study can become a habit and praying a pleasure because nothing else compares to your time with God.
Be sure you re giving attention to the things that are important, if you’re not so busy, you could pray and study the bible more.
Remember that as you draw closer to God, God draws closer to you.
So make bible study and prayer time a priority at this time because, Prayer is not about you. You can pray a powerful prayer, not because you are powerful, but because you have a Powerful God who hears and answers prayers.
The time you spend praying and reading your bible is not for nothing. You ll’d be amazed what a few minutes of prayer and bible study could do for you.
God’s word can change your life for good. It can break the addictions, miracles can happen . You can move forward, you can make progress because you re giving God the quality time he deserves!