Beauty defined by God

Beauty is the outward features that make people admirable. To some beauty is having a pleasing complexion, height, a curvy figure. This is what make a woman attractive.
But what is beauty based on the Word of God?

Proverbs 31vs 30
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised

What makes a woman beautiful is not her looks but her heart. Is she a woman that honors God? Does she have the fear of God? This is what makes a woman beautiful.
In the world today, a lot of women are proud, rude , arrogant. They think that being humble is a sign of weakness. They think that by using false hairs, cosmetics that these would enhance their beauty and make up for thier unpleasant behaviours, but this is not so.
So how should a woman enhance her outward appearance?
1Peter 3:3
Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel

1 Timothy 2:9
I would like for women to wear modest and sensible clothes. They should not have fancy hairdos, or wear expensive clothes, or put on jewelry made of gold or pearls. (CEV)

Please don’t get angry at me, these are words from God spoken through the Apostle Paul.
The word of God is not to be taken lightly. If you are still not convinced, pray about it.
This message is not popular but it is the word of God.
Contrary to nature, the weave-on and attachment used by women cover the glory of God, it has been said by many that have come from the marine kingdom that these cosmetics , false hairs, jewelries etc are produced in the marine kingdom and dedicated to demons before being brought to the world for sale.
But a lot of Christians have ignored these words thinking that it is a church doctrine, you are to study the scriptures to know if those things are so.
Little wonder Christians are afflicted, they have prayed about certain things for years, this may be the area where you need to repent.
To wage war against the devil you must make sure you don’t have any of his properties.
Anger, malice , lusts etc are properties of the devil but these artificial enhancers which are dedicated to the devil can be used by the devil to lay claim on an individual.
The bible says that we should not be ignorant of the devices of the enemy.
I pray that God would give us more grace.
The natural hair which you have is unique to the Nation you come from.
Those in the Western regions are blessed with long, straight hair, this is because those regions are cold and they need such long hair to keep warm.
Those in the African continents have ‘kinky’ hair. It stands straight and is usually very curly. It grows long if it is well taken care of depending on the individual. Because of its nature of growing upwards, it does not cause heat and if properly managed, it is soft and beautiful.
Every woman should use what the Lord has given her. By cleaning her hair, oiling it and maintaining proper hygiene. A woman can still be beautiful and attractive.
Many today have dumped their relaxers because such chemicals have weakened their hair. The attachment and weave-on though beautiful have adverse effects on the hair. Some women can’t carry their natural hair because of negligence.
Some ladies wonder why they attract the wrong men while they are using attachments, weave ons and cosmetics. They were skimpy clothes and wonder why serious men do not approach them.
You ll be addressed the way you are dressed.
Even in office situations, a calmer less elaborate appearance would be preferred.

Christian women should be mindful of the way they dress, act in the work place etc .
Because every little thing you do is important.
Dress in a way that people would know that you are a Christian, if you use the cosmetics, the attachments and weaveon, dress indecently etc how would the world differentiate you from themselves?
Christians are the salt of the earth, the light of the World, a City set on a hill that can’t be hid.
We have been called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light.

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