Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
What does it mean to trust someone?
It means to have confidence in that person. To consider thier actions and decisions to be in your own interests.
What does it mean to be trustworthy?
Today people are looking for people they can trust.
Men desire a woman who they can trust, women desire a man who’ll be committed to them
Employers want to employ people who would not run away with the company’s money.
Trust is a very important topic because you have to trust someone to be able to do anything with that person.
You have to trust them to do business with them.
You have to trust them to want to marry them.
A trustworthy person would not betray the trust on him, he may not be perfect in all his actions, but would consider the interests of others before thiers.
This is what makes a person trust worthy
Proverbs 28:20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings
The reward for being trustworthy, is being rewarded with more blessings,
Because you’re trust worthy in your place of work, you can be given more responsibility
Trust in business is essential, many businesses fold up due to lack of trust.
For a marriage to prosper, the husband and wife must trust each other. You cant say you love me, but you hate my siblings. That is not love.
Trust forms the basis of everything.
If you desire trust, you should be trustworthy.
I Cor 4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.
If you have been given responsibility at church, at work etc
Do you think of what you could gain instead of the service you are to render?
If you have cheated others, betrayed their confidence
You need to repent.
You need to learn to trust God. Some people have been so much cheated by others that they find it difficult to trust anyone. I know it’s difficult to trust people but there is someone you can trust, his name is Jesus. He will not let you down.
Trusting in God means not trusting in your own abilities, but trusting in God.
It means giving Glory to God for your successes
It means being humble when you’re exalted
It means asking God ‘Should I ? Even when you have all the ability.
Trust God and he’ll show you the path to go. He’ll cause things to turnout for your good.