What is Influence? Influence is the effect of a persons behavior on others. What is Godly Influence Godly influence is the effect of God on you which affects your actions and your behavior. We need Godly influence to influence our world for Jesus Christ. So if you know that…
Give God your Attention
What you give attention to is very important because it says a lot about you. In a world were there are so many distractions, it becomes difficult to find time for God. Praying becomes a chore and reading your bible a routine. But it should not be so. If you…
The mind of Christ
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind What’s the opposite…
Beauty defined by God
Beauty is the outward features that make people admirable. To some beauty is having a pleasing complexion, height, a curvy figure. This is what make a woman attractive. But what is beauty based on the Word of God? Proverbs 31vs 30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a…
God’s unfailing love
God loves you. The love of God for you is not dependent on what you did or didn’t do. People may think that if they do good, God would love them and if they did something wrong, then God does not love them, but God loves us inspite of…
Trust In God
The Prime Minister of Egypt
Joseph was an unknown boy in the Land of Canaan, a foreign land. He had a special feature though, which made his other brothers jealous of him. He was loved more than all of his brethren. He was his Father’s favorite. Joseph’s brethren soon became so jealous of him, they…
Thanksgiving: The Right start
2020 is here! What better way to start the New Year than to give thanks to God, appreciate the Lord for his goodness and mercy that has kept you. Know that it his love and mercy that has brought us into the year. Be grateful, Life is a gift, not…