God does not just want us to have enough, he wants us to have more than enough. God is the God of more than enough.
Phillipians 4:19 ‘But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus’.
How is God going to supply your need? It is according to his riches in glory , that means its not going to be according to the economic situation but according to his abundance, his divine supply. Things may seem tight financially but you just keep meditating on the word of God and thanking God.
Some one may argue that ‘ Does this means we should just pray and do nothing? God wants us to work, he wants us to be diligent because we represent him, we are his ambassadors on earth.
God takes delight in our prosperity. He wants us prosperous so we can preach the gospel around the world. In the diverse means that we can, God wants us to reach our world with the message of salvation, of hope, of his love for humanity and his power to save, cleanse, forgive and restore.
You may think that you re so messed up, but when you come to Jesus, he’ll clean you up and give you a fresh start. God is a restorer. He can restore to you the wasted years. He can shine his light upon your darkness.
Whatever the challenge, God is more than enough to supply, to be what you want him to be in your peculiar situation. But remember that God wants our focus to be on him and not on the things he gives to us.
Deu 8:18 But thou shalt remember the Lord your God, for it is he that giveth thee power to make wealth.
The power to make wealth comes from God. Its not by hard work alone, Its by his spirit. He made it possible for you to have whatever you have. So we must acknowledge him. This gives him glory, establishes the blessing and causes him to prosper us the more.
True prosperity is of God.