What is your Purpose? Purpose is your essence. Why are you here? God has empowered you for the purpose for which he created you, but he has not empowered you for the purpose of someone else . Someone said ‘Don’t just exist, live. When a person lives, then he or she is making an impact. God created us to solve problems, so if you can solve just one problem for someone, then you will be living a life of purpose.
God has commissioned Christians with the good news of Salvation. God wants us to tell the world that he loves them, he has forgiven them, he has healed them, prospered them in Christ Jesus. But how many people know? And how are Christians reaching out to them. God has made us his ambassadors. He has empowered us. He wants someone to know through us that they are valuable.
Our purpose as christians is to preach the good news of salvation.
Acts 10:38 How Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him.
We can make an impact, we can do something for someone who may never be able to say thank you, but Jesus can thank you! When we live a life that’s focused on others and not ourselves , then we can solve problems and make life meaningful for others.
God has created us in Christ for good works. What are some of the good works:
1. Preaching the gospel: We need to let people know through whatever means we can that there is salvation in Christ. There is prosperity in Christ. In Christ is there is peace, The answer to all of man’s problems is in Christ.
2. Cheerful giver: God loves a cheerful giver, giving is a ministry. Its a means of reaching out to people. More people are won to Christ through our giving than through preaching alone. Giving cheerfully releases God’s power. It is more blessed to give than to receive.
When you are doing any of these things, then you are endearing yourself to God and he will bless you, because God’s delight is in salvation. He wants men saved, healed and blessed. He wants men free from the chains that bind them to be free to be what God wants them to be. To live a life of purpose, accept Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life.
Hallelujah! A life of purpose is a life thats centered on Christ.