What is Loyalty, Simply put loyalty is the quality
of a person which makes them reliable, and hence
they can be trusted to act in the best interest of
others especially to those to whom they may be
The word Loyalty is not a commonly used word.
Most people only talk about loyalty when there is
something to gain, then you hear them saying
loudly ‘am loyal’ even if it’s not from their heart.
In true loyalty, I don’t have to coerce you to be
on my side, because you naturally like me and
believe in what I stand for, you would support me.
Many people these days are looking for the
slightest opportunity to betray others. No wonder
Jesus had twelve disciples and one had to betray
him, his name was Judas. I don’t hear people
answering the name Judas anymore because he
played a role in Jesus life which was not so
good. It was not a role to be proud of. Judas
after betraying his master was not happy with
himself, so no matter the initial fame, wealth a
person may get through disloyalty, such a person
would never be happy.
We hear of people who employ others who turn
out to be thieves, some would even try to destroy
the very homes that nourished them.
Such roles and characters can never be
something to be proud of. Never allow yourself to
be used knowingly or unknowingly to hurt others.
Love rejoices in good not in evil.
God has promised to take the side of the weak
and the oppressed; to defend them and to bring
them out on top. So when we are persecuted for
doing good, when we are being rubbished by
others for daring to be different, we must be
encouraged that no matter how many are against
us, God is for us. And if God is for us, then who
can be against us?
As we take the side of God it may not seem easy
but God has promised never to leave us nor
forsake us, he’s not just there with us for a good
time but for always. He’s not trying to take
something from us; he wants to give to us. He is
our strength and we can rejoice in him knowing
that he will reward us bountifully in due time.
We will not loose our reward IJN, Our crown and
glory no one shall take, if any one tries to wear
your crown it will not fit because it is for you.
God shall continue to magnify you and increase
you to the astonishment and bewildment of your
enemies IJN.
If you believe, this give the Lord some praise right
now. Glory to God!!