Be a great person for the Lord

One day the disciples had an argument over who should be the greatest among them. While each tried to convince the other that he was greater than him, Jesus brought a little child before them and told them..this is the greatest.

Matthew 18:4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 18:5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

Naturally God made some people great and some small.
In the area of academics for example we have professors and academicians.
We have renowned people in various specializations.
So its easy for a group of people to want to determine who amongst them is the greatest, this is normal, But Jesus would not have such arguments over who was more superior amongst his disciples.
He knew this could stir up strife among the disciples and cause unhealthy competition.

Instead of just being content with the gifts God has given them and using them to bless others, we find Christians in a power tussle over who is the greatest.
Some Christians have even taken up the role of the devil in persecuting other Christians because of their special gifts.
A Christian who is moving in the power of the spirit and starts to perform signs and miracles may begin to face a lot of persecution not only from unbelievers but fellow believers.
We see unbelievers support their own but Christians fight their own.
Luke 16:8 for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

Of course there are many Christians who are supporting the work of God. Rather than complain about other Christians or mocking them they are praying for them and are evangelizing their world for Christ.

We must never be jealous of other Christians. We must encourage the ministry of the spirit and not resist it. Praise God for what he is doing, because this is the work of God not man.
There are times the spirit is moving and instead of receiving that ministration, someone is angry because he feels why should God use someone else, why not them.
But we forget we all have our unique roles to play in Gods house. So why not be content with who you are?
Every one can not be the pastor, or a miracle worker etc
We are created uniquely to show forth the many sided wisdom and beauty of God.
Its all for the glory of God, if its for anything else then its not of God.

Heaven takes note of those that stand as a hindrance to the truth. The angels take note of those that walk contrary to the truth even though they pretend that they are for the truth.

Jesus said on the last day, many would claim him, they would say I know you, I did this with you, I did that for you.
But they were only bearing witness for themselves instead of letting God testify on their behalf.

Today let’s learn a truth from Gods word. That greatness is service. Its not about how many people are serving us.
Its about how many people we are serving.

Lord I pray that people would be attracted to the glory of God on my life in such a way that would please God.

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