How not to be limited by peoples opinion of you.

Why is it taking so long, some people almost seem to ask you?
Because no one rushes a masterpiece.
If you are creating a masterpiece, sometimes you may have to scatter it and start all over again. If you really value quality.
Your concern is more about the masterpiece being what you envisioned.
Those who build skyscrappers have to spend so much time laying the foundation, as against the one building a bungalow.
Whereas the one building a bungalow has moved into his house and is already living there, the one building a skyscraper may still be on the foundation.
It would be foolish to say that the the person who has just moved into his bungalow is more successful than the one who is still building the Foundation for a skyscraper because both have different things in mind.

You don’t judge a persons success by what his peers have achieved.
We may be age mates but we are not grace mates because the grace you function in is unique to you, to your experiences and your own relationship with God.
No one can relate with God for you; no matter how close you may be to your pastor, there are some battles you have to win by your Christian faith.
There are things you get from God that comes through discipline, through fasting that becomes natural to you.
In the realms of grace everyone has their own level and its not something you can pretend about.

Sometimes it seems that God is not in a hurry, he does not seem to be moving as fast as we would want him to. But God is always perfect in his timing.
Sometimes people may wonder if there’s something you re doing wrong, they try to make excuses for why things are not moving as fast as they should.
But its because they don’t understand the walk of faith.
Even when such people can see obvious manifestations of Gods blessings in your life, they still want to focus on the challenges. That’s not faith. We should focus on the Word of God.
What has God said concerning the situation and what are you voicing out? Are you voicing out faith or doubt?
Do people feel encouraged, strengthened when they meet you?

Lets talk about David who was anointed by God at the age of 17 yet ran all his life till the age of 30, when he became King.
He had all the anointing but he had to wait for the set time. He was being trained by God.
Or how about Moses that great meek man of God who waited 40 years before he would start his ministry, his training ground with sheep.
Not what you might call exciting eh?

I can imagine that a lot of God’s people have been through a lot in order to lay hold on the promises of God. And God is faithful to his word, even when men say there s a casting down, you can say I am lifted, because your eyes are not fixed on carnal things but on the spiritual things.
You makenown and loved by God. All of nature responds to you. That’s wonderful!

What you should be doing is giving thanks to God everyday because you are blessed beyond comparison no matter what any devil may say.

You are who God says you are, God has not changed his mind about you based on popular opinion, in fact God’s opinion always differs from popular opinion, so when it seems that you have so many enemies, it does not mean that you are doing anything wrong.
It just means that you have become too big to be ignored.
So you have to be monitored.
But thank God, God is bigger than all of that.

Many people have committed suicide because of public opinion, they could not keep up to the demands of the crowd, you had to be something you were not just to please people and any little change in the Perfect picture of you and those same people that were praising you begin to doubt you.

People are under pressure to look like what other people would consider beautiful; those that are dark complexioned feel they must become fair to be accepted and all sorts of things people do to gain approvals. God only asks us to be ourselves not to be something we are not.

We don’t have to live all our lives trying to please people, trying to meet their expectations, we only need to be all that God has made us capable of being and commit the rest to him.

There’s One who we should be striving always to please and that’s God.

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