Easter: Celebration of Jesus or easter bunnies

Its easter and when you go into various stores or on the media, they talk about Easter eggs and easter bunnies.
Sometimes I wonder must we make everything about animals?
Why do we love animals so much? let’s not focus so much on trivial things. Let’s focus on Jesus who came for you and me, saved us and delivered us into his dear Kingdom.
We may want to make easter more fun so to say by talking of easter bunnies and easter eggs, but what relevance do these have to the true meaning of easter, none whatsoever.
There s nothing wrong with celebrating with easter eggs and easter bunnies but that should not be our focus.
Easter bunny did not save you, Jesus did, so we ought to give him the praise and adoration that’s due him and not make it about animals.
When you develop a reverential relationship with God and you value and respect sacred things, when you call out to God, he will hear you because you respect sacred things and you treat them with care. But when you are careless about spiritual things, you won’t function effectively in them because you despise them.
God wants to help you but he needs your cooperation. As the perfect gentle man that he is, he wont force you.

If you will only let me help you , if you will only obey, then I
will make you rich!
Isa 1:19

People can be so proud and funny at times, when God sends someone to help them, they trivialise over things like – he does not speak English well or he does not fit certain standards, what if he had all these qualities but can’t help you? We must value the special gifts in people and celebrate them, we must learn to be thankful. Celebrate their strengths. Instead of complaining about your opportunity, thank God for it.
When you thank God for his finger, he will show you his hand.

With the way you complain and criticise your pastor, am sure if you were told to be the pastor , you would not want to be one.
The bible says we are to esteem them highly that teach us in the word. We are to honor them more. Many people think that when they humble the pastor or humiliate him, that he will be a better pastor. But don’t forget that no true minister of God made themselves what they are. God did for your sake. So when you encourage them you are encouraging the work of God. You are saying thank you Lord for your power at work in my pastor. Except you don’t consider them to be your teachers then in that case, you don’t have much to do with them, but if you do consider them teachers then they deserve your honor not judgements.

1 Thessalonians 5:12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, .. and admonish you; 5:13 And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves.

So as we celebrate easter, we celebrate the newness of life Jesus came to bring, may that newness cleanse, renew and revitalize us.
May we flourish in the Courts of our God.


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