Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. The scriptures above tell us that we are Gods workmanship or what you will call master piece. God made you before the world began and…
He cares for you
Good News Translation 1 Peter 5:7 Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you. God wants us to know that in our journey of faith, we are not alone. He has welcomed us to cast our cares on him. What is that load you are carrying? Is…
Special note from the Editor
Hello Dear! I hope you are enjoying our articles. We call it godly entertainment. Please feel free to share your views. Some of the comments posted seem to be inappropriate to the topics under discussion. Please kindly rephrase your comments in such a way that they can be posted. Thanks…
When you are no longer friends with them but they still want to be your friend?
There are many types of friends. There are those that are your friends and there are those that call themselves your friends. There are those that you call friends that are really not your friends. So what do you do when you no longer want to be friends with someone,…
Praise and Worship: Our Constant attitude.
Praise and worship is an attitude God wants us to have constantly, it’s not a once in a while or twice in a while thing. It’s for all time. The best time to praise God is when you really don’t feel like it. God is delighted in praise that’s pure,…
Quote of the day
Wear your blessings as gracefully as boldly and as confidently as God has given them to you. You deserve it. Its yours. Glory to God.
The Wonderful benefits of Pawpaw
What good does the pawpaw fruit any way you may ask? I never knew pawpaw was do good for the body till I read about it. Did you know? The seeds work as a powerful anti parasite that helps to clear your system of parasites thereby enabling you feel healthier…
A Landslide victory
Do you feel hemmed in by trials and challenges because it seems that the enemy is building up the opposition and nothing is happening on your side? Relax, the greater the opposition, the greater shall be its fall before you. God wants to give you a land slide victory. God…
Quote for the day with Reigningchi
The best students in school were the ones who respected their teachers. The worst are usually the ones who abused their teachers. In other words don’t expect to learn anything from people you abuse because your mind will be closed to them. The truth is most people abuse themselves, they…
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Psalm 138:1-8 I thank you, Lord, with all my heart; I sing praise to you before the gods. I face your holy Temple…and praise your name because of your constant love and faithfulness, because you have shown that your name and your commands are supreme. You answered me when I…