Godly Correction: from a biblical perspective

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Any one can be corrected, no one is a ‘know it all’ when it comes to correction. I don’t know were people got this false impression that someone is an angel and cant and should never make mistakes, if you were so perfect maybe people would start to worship you, but like Paul we must remind them that though we possess extraordinary gifts from God, We are not God, we are his messengers.

We can get hungry, feel tired,
feel sleepy, feel angry etc so its irrational for another person that feels all these same imperfections to expect a person like him to always be perfect and to never make mistakes.

Bullying versus Correction

There is a clear difference between bullying and correction, both may not be initially pleasant but while one is demotivating the other is uplifting. The bible says that when we correct others we should do it gently considering if we were the one. Gal 6:1, if you probably had a quarter of the challenges that person you are saying maliciously and largely misconstrued things about had, you probably could not handle it. Maybe you would have gone mad, maybe you would not even be a christian, maybe you would not even be here. And God knows all the battles behind close doors that they fight and his grace and mercies not their righteousness have kept them and who are you to judge them? You ought to appreciate that grace that’s working in their lives instead of complaining .

When someone is correcting you, they don’t get excited to do it but because they want you to get it right, they tell you what you need to do so you can be better. But when someone is bullying another person, they seem gleeful at the chance to show themselves more superior to you, so they do it spitefully. Their concern is not whether you are corrected or not but just to mock you and they would want to remind you as many times as possible ,that’s the kind of correction which is actually a form of bullying, let the bullies know you wont tolerate that type of behavior. Keeping quiet only emboldens the bully to become a nuisance and an annoying pest in your life.

You must be firm in maintaining your right while reporting to appropriate authorities because bullies don’t like to be exposed.

Don’t allow intimidation in the form of correction, there are those that even when they have made a tonne of mistakes, you do something slightly differently and they start to shout, sometimes you wonder how does it concern them?

God made provision for forgiveness because he knew we would need it.
What we need is to acknowledge our sins and with the help of GOD strive to turn them into strengths to the glory of GOD.

The bible says for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We could not save ourselves, thank God Jesus did. Romans 3:23
If we say we have no sin, we make him a liar and the truth is not in us.
But as we acknowledge and confess them, he is faithful righteous and just to forgive us and cleanse us from every unrighteousness. 1 John1:9

Halleluyah! We are Righteous, holy and sanctified of God.
Able ministers of the gospel, Distributors of grace!!

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