For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God
Romans 8 vs 18,19.

I have never seen a free service or commodity that did not have a high tendency to be abused. Go to any public utility and you will understand what I am talking about. The problem is not that the service is free, but with the ones who enjoy such free services.
Today no one seems to care about plagiarism any more, people claim other people’s idea or impersonate them with no iota of regard or concern for them and its okay.
We see and hear a lot about global warming, major climatic changes, erosion etc. It’s due to the improper management of our environment. We must take care of our environment. God gave it to us, we are to tend and manage it. While we enjoy it, we also have a responsibility to replenish and take proper care of our environment. God will not do that for us, we are the ones in charge. We cannot afford to mess it up because we think it’s for everyone because it will still affect us one way or the other.
No wonder the bible says, pray for the peace of Jerusalem. God knows that when the city of God prospers, we will prosper as well. In the same way we are to pray for our nation because its overall state will still affect us. Don’t speak bad things about your nation even when things don’t look perfect, rather pray for your nation. The same applies to people, its hard to criticize someone you are praying for.,

Psalm 122 vs 6,7
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.

We can show our gratitude to God by taking care of our environment, if we abuse our environment, we show our utter disregard for God because he made it and he made it good. And don’t expect him to be quiet about it for long. When we genuinely care for our environment, we will find that the earth will respond in kind with healthier and purer food, fresher environment etc.
The whole creation awaits the manifestation of the sons of God, they know that they will sanctify and purify the environment and use it for the purpose for which it is intended.
Some of the freest things in life are the most essential, take for example free air, water even fruits. These are free but essential to man. It may be free but it is not cheap. If someone gave you a gold wristwatch which is free. If you took it to the market, you would not sell it free even though you got it free because you know its value.
our attitude to free things should not be how much we can lavish on ourselves but what we can put back, what do we leave for others? Is there anything you can do to make God greater than who he is? If you choose not to praise him or acknowledge him, will it make him any less of the God he is? No, he was God ever before you showed up.
God wants us to enjoy the good things of life, but responsibly in a way and manner that honors him and encourages him to do more not in a way that provokes him to wrath.
Take care of everything you have such that if you decide to give them as a gift to someone, they will still be in such a good condition that anyone will be glad to claim them as their own.

Proverbs 11vs11
By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

Be wise, stop the careless talk and misuse of Gods resources. Be an honorable steward of God’s resources.

picture credit-, Andrew Badullovich

Clay Badullovich studies his first lure-caught bream. The fish was released, as Clay found the lure more fascinating than the fish.

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