These days the media: I mean the TV, the internet , radio etc are filled with all sorts of information that for the most part I don’t think are so good for public consumption and especially for young minds that are still developing. They don’t care what they release to the public anymore so long as they will make their money. They keep on finding ways to recycle corrupt and useless information to the unsuspecting public. They seem to have a mantra: The more corrupt it is, the better.
Only few of the media sites are actually conscious of the role they play in society and of what they put out there. You see information about sex that young children may be exposed to being displayed carelessly with out the media explaining full details of what it is. Every time sex is discussed there ought to be corresponding information about contraceptives etc. There ought to be a more encompassing discussion about sex that will benefit the young ones. The young ones should be in the know, no details should be left out. They should be encouraged to abstain from sex for as long as possible. They should be taught to engage their minds with healthy information, career goals, meaningful activities and leadership roles to keep them busy.
While the media seems to portray a society where everyone is having sex, a closer study will reveal that there are many youths who are not sexually active and this is not because they are not attractive enough or that something is wrong with them. Some of them you will be surprised to know have not had any form of sexual activity at all. But this information is obviously hidden from the public domain in order to deceive our youth to think that a sexually active life style with someone you are not married to or that you have no intentions of marrying is OK just to sell their products.
The decision to have sex is a personal one. The time you choose to is also up to you. I think that young people should wait till they are mature enough and fully understand the topic so as to avoid unwanted pregnancies or STDs etc. The age of maturity I suggest should correspond to when they are ready to get married.
During courtship between 2 mature adults that are financially, physically and emotionally ripe for marriage and not 2 people playing with themselves, sex at this stage (I will say now am talking from my personal understanding) may be permitted; If the 2 are serious and marriage is in their goals, they have demonstrated commitments to each other and no one is playing hide and seek with the others heart. However, If it can be avoided altogether, that is better.
Sex without commitments, that is with a person who you have no intentions of marrying should be avoided as much as possible. Society should frown seriously at this and should help to encourage people to build the right understanding about sex. Encourage and extol the good and discourage and shame the bad.
For example people scamming others in the name of love should not be taken lightly. People in abusive relationships should be encouraged to come out of them. The society should not encourage people to stay in abusive relationships because of money or power neither should they support those that are doing wrong. These are some of the things the media can do to help our youths develop the right understanding about sex and live better, inspiring lives.
A lot of people do not like to talk about sex. Even those who have one or 2 good things to say about it that can educate the youths prefer to keep quiet while the youth are getting unsolicited messages from the media constantly that’s incomplete and if anything unhelpful. I suggest we start talking about sex more, but this time from a balanced view, with our youth in mind and not the money. Present sex as the complete package that it is. Talk about abstinence, contraceptives etc. That way the youth will be better informed and the media will be a beacon of light in a dark world.
The media will become involved in nation building and take active roles in youth development. The youths have a lot to deal with already. There is the issue of drugs, alcohol, the problem of unemployment and other challenges in the society etc. Let’s encourage them by giving them healthy information that can help them to be better people and leaders in our Society.
Philippians 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
picture credit: OCAL