Letter from the Editor: Questions and Answers

I just want to appreciate you my lovely friends that are so kind to comment on my site. The comments are so much now, I appreciate every one of you. I feel elated every time I read your comments and how that the posts are a blessing to you.
You could easily have read it and used the contents without saying a word about it but you decided to acknowledge me. I give all glory to God and thank him for the grace, wisdom and ability he has given me.

I want to answer some of the frequently asked questions like:

1. Did I design the blog myself? I spoke to a professional in this field of web design and he was very helpful in the design and structure of the site. I told him what I wanted and he designed it. Initially I needed his help to do so many things but now I can do lots of them myself. I still call him when I need too though. I can also say that I receive inspiration from my helper, the holy ghost.
It was also the inspiration from you that inspired me to research and improve myself some more and I thank God for this wisdom.

2. Some of you mentioned that you like my site style and would like to design your sites too, you can reach me by email : Reigningchi@gmail.com so I can let you know if the person that designed my site can also design for you.

3. Some of you mentioned that you would like to write articles on the site. That would be great. Please send your article to my email address and let me know what area or areas you are interested in writing on. We can look at the article together and if its Okay for the site, it will be published.
Thanks so much!

4. Those that said they want to share my articles: That’s why there are Share icons beneath the posts. You can do so. Thank you!

5. There were a few comments about the site being slow, though most said its fast, please try a different browser.

Despite the fact that I know the site can be better even than it is now. I want to thank you for appreciating it just as it is. If there are personal questions you would like to ask and don’t want to share them on my blog, please do that by sending a mail to my account .
Thank you so much. I appreciate you!

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