These days the media: I mean the TV, the internet , radio etc are filled with all sorts of information that for the most part I don’t think are so good for public consumption and especially for young minds that are still developing. They don’t care what they release to…
The Wonderful Name of Jesus.
The sweetest sounds to any ones ears is the sound of their name. Names are more than just an identity, they influence greatly a persons course in life. This is why several times in the bible, God had to change the names of his people to suit his purpose for…
Technology: Caring for your phone.
Whether you are using an android device, a BlackBerry or an iPhone etc Here are some helpful tips for your device. 1. Get a good pouch for your phone preferably one that has a magnet in it. The magnetic strap offers better protection than the pouches that only cover the…
Letter from the Editor: Questions and Answers
I just want to appreciate you my lovely friends that are so kind to comment on my site. The comments are so much now, I appreciate every one of you. I feel elated every time I read your comments and how that the posts are a blessing to you. You…
How to hear from God and talk to God.
So many people are desirous to hear God talk to them. They want to know does God still talk to man? How does he talk? What is it like to hear God talk to me? How do I know that God is actually talking to me? And so on. God…