Beauty Tips for ladies!

This is the fashion section for ladies! Let’s talk about beauty tips and looking good. Every lady has her basic set of beauty tips. Some people see you looking good and say, Who is she trying to impress. But looking good does not have to be because of others. It has to do with you . Appreciating the wonderful person that you are.

1. Moderation is key.
If you are going to put on a bright lip stick then, let your eye make up be light.

2. Day make-up and Night make-up
The make up you wear during the day should be different from the one you were for an outing in the evening. While day make up is light, night make up should be brighter so it can be clearer.

3. Mind your make up.
There is a make up for every occasion e.g at church, work or school you may choose a light make up to enhance your looks. Your make up should not be loud so as not to be a distraction especially in church. This is different when you re at a party, you want it brighter. Also you may choose to reduce your make up or increase it depending on where you are.

4. Know the colors that work for you
If you are chocolate-colored or fair, you should know which colors look better on you. You may do this by trying a variety of colors for lipstick , eye shadow and then choose the one that’s most comfortable for you. When choosing foundation however, it should fit your skin color. That is not too light and not too dark. And it should not be too heavy.

5. Tips for lip make-up
If you have thin lips, you can make them look bigger by applying a bright lip stick without linning your lips, linning them only makes them look thinner . If you do line them be sure its the same color as the lip stick and make it at the edge of your lips. For those with fuller lips , go for darker colors and use a liner just before the edge of your lips. Your lips will look smaller and cuter!

6. Tips for eye make-up
If you have small eyes avoid wearing too much dark make up on your eyes as it will only make them look smaller. But you can use mascara as it gives volume to your eye lashes and makes them appear fuller. If you have bigger eyes you can wear your dark make up on them to make them look smaller.

7. Tips from others
When you make up and people tell you , Wow you look great. Take note of the make up you used so you can use it again!

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