The only ‘power’ that the devil has is the power that you give to him through the wrong thoughts, words and confessions. Well you know what? You can take your power back by permitting only the right stuff. We must learn to focus on God’s mighty, ability and power at…
Love you!
It’s very important you love yourself. By this I don’t mean having an inflated ego or looking at yourself in the mirror all the time. No, I mean loving and accepting yourself for who you are. Your big nose, your dark skin, your fat you… Love you! I also mean…
Wonderful qualities of Cucumbers!
Cucumbers are one of my favorite veggies because they contain little sugar and are very good for the body. Here are some of their wonderful qualities: 1. Beauty and Aesthetics: Cucumber is used to prepare a lot of the face cleansers and creams which we use because it is very…
Beauty Tips for ladies!
This is the fashion section for ladies! Let’s talk about beauty tips and looking good. Every lady has her basic set of beauty tips. Some people see you looking good and say, Who is she trying to impress. But looking good does not have to be because of others. It…
Like little children.
Little children have a lot to teach us. Let’s learn child-likeness. The quality of the children that made Jesus to say that anyone who wants to come to the Kingdom must come like a little child. Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and don’t…
The good fight of faith.
Isaiah 42:13 The Lord goes out to fight like a warrior.. He gives a war cry, a battle shout; he shows his power against his enemies. There is such a thing as the fight of faith. And its a good one. No I am not talking about you walking up…
The Love Virtue
There is one topic that resonates in the hearts of men and women around the world and its the topic of love. Whether we have the right idea of love or not, we cannot under estimate the impact of the decisions we make in this area of our life on…
The Ministry of the Holyspirit
The holyspirit has a ministry and that ministry is bringing the presence and power of God to you right were you are. That’s why even though you don’t see God, but you can hear him talk to you. You can know that he is with you because the holyspirit transports…
Letter from the Editor: Appreciation
To my readers out there: You may think that I inspire you but let me tell you that when i see your comments and appreciation, I feel very inspired. Whether your comment has being published or not, I have read them and I appreciate your kind gestures. As you can…
Attention seeker or God pleaser
Proverbs 27:2 Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips. The greater a man is , the less he will seek for attention ; the more attention will seek for him. He will not draw attention to him self except it…