God is for you!

The only ‘power’ that the devil has is the power that you give to him through the wrong thoughts, words and confessions. Well you know what? You can take your power back by permitting only the right stuff. We must learn to focus on God’s mighty, ability and power at…

Love you!

It’s very important you love yourself. By this I don’t mean having an inflated ego or looking at yourself in the mirror all the time. No, I mean loving and accepting yourself for who you are. Your big nose, your dark skin, your fat you… Love you! I also mean…

Like little children.

Little children have a lot to teach us. Let’s learn child-likeness. The quality of the children that made Jesus to say that anyone who wants to come to the Kingdom must come like a little child. Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and don’t…

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