He cares for you

Good News Translation 1 Peter 5:7 Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.

God wants us to know that in our journey of faith, we are not alone. He has welcomed us to cast our cares on him. What is that load you are carrying? Is it the problems of yesterday? Is it your mistakes, Is it your cares for tomorrow? Whatever it is, God has seen that load you are carrying and he is asking me to tell you today to cast it on him.

Be happy and thankful because as bad as your problem may be, it could have been worse. You need to be thankful because even in your trials and temptations, he strengthened you, comforted you. So stop complaining and be thankful.

After you have made a mistake, the next mistake you can make is to be unforgiving towards yourself. That feeling of ‘how could I ? is a statement of pride and a refusal to receive the forgiveness which God so freely offers. That forgiveness is made available because God knows that you will need it. God asks us to forgive others, more so ourselves. Be like little children. They are always happy and cheerful. They don’t carry a load of guilt or burden. They are free.
Do not try to control things to make them be exactly the way you want them because you are not God. Only God has full details of every situation, therefore don’t judge blindly because you want to know the why behind the what. Do not try to understand or figure out everything. Commit it to God.
Receive Gods grace which he so freely offers you and live a joyful and peaceful life today in spite of the problems and challenges. Because you have given them to him. People will look at you wonder how you can be so peaceful and you can tell them its the grace of God. That garbage of guilt, worry and anxiety that the devil is trying to cast on you, refuse it. Tell him that you know what the word says. Proclaim your victory in Christ. For Gods grace is not only for us when we feel we are at our best but we come to experience it the more in that moment when we feel we are at our worst.
When you feel weak, draw strength from the scriptures. There you will find all the help and answers you need.
If you have not made Jesus Lord of your life, I encourage you to do so. You will see the difference he will make. He will lift you out of the miry clay and set you on the rock to stay.
God bless you.

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