The constant, unchanging and everamazing love of God.

God loved you before you existed. Think about it. Long before you knew anything about him or yourself. He already knew everything about you and still loved you so. This love is not based on anything you did or did not do. This love is based on grace; unmerited favor. His love did not begin today. You just walked into it. Therefore disregard the opinions of men that try to talk you down. They don’t matter. You are dearly loved of God. He gave his all for You. So you can live for him. You are his treasure. You are his glory. His honor and his glory are on you, no man gave it to you and no man can take it for he alone gave it to you for his glory and to the praise of his name.

Be strong and confident in that love. When you face challenges, know that he loves you and made you for a purpose. People may hurt you not because they want to but because they’re only human. There’s a limit to their love. There’s a limit to how much of themselves they can give to you at any given moment. Sometimes they are limited by circumstances and situations beyond their control to act in ways that could be hurtful to you. But God is unlimited. God has poured himself out on you. He lives in you, never lives you, always by your side. He talks to you, teaches you and guides you. When you fall, he carries you up gently in his arms. He does not laugh at you or say ‘I told you so’ No!
He sees the You in you. He knows you can be better. He takes your hands, he leads you guides you and renews your soul.

There’s no friend quite like him. If you have not made Jesus Lord of your life, please do so. When all other friends forsake you or fail you. He’ll be there to strengthen you. To help you. To guide you in green pastures and still waters.

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